From Cute to Combat: Why Do Alpacas Spit?

Have you ever wondered if alpacas spit? And if you ever find out, did you feel surprised?

Well, I was at your place!

I was pretty shocked to find out that alpacas do spit!

Alpacas spit when they are in a defense mode, threatened by other animals or humans, or competing for food. It is their way of expressing fear, discomfort, and defense. 

In this article, we are going to find out the possible reasons why these adorable and quirky pals spit so we can better understand the behavior of these cheeky creatures. 

A way to communicate

Animals do communicate.

They can express their needs and reactions through sounds, movements, and also spit!

Alpacas spit when they feel threatened or irritated

why do alpacas spit

It’s their unique way of telling other alpacas to go away so they can have their own personal space. 

Keeping in mind that alpacas are social animals, meaning they live in herds, they could also spit to signal other alpacas to move in a specific direction as a way to transmit a signal. 

Defense mechanism

Another reason that makes alpacas spit is fear

When alpacas find themselves in an uncomfortable and menacing situation, it can trigger them to spit. 

For example, when they get approached by a predator, they would first back off and project a spit as a way of protecting themselves. 

We can trace back this specific behavior all the way to their ancestors who lived and encountered predators in the harsh climate of the magnificent Andes mountains. 

So, alpacas are naturally programmed to exhibit this defense motion as a survival instinct. 

Establishing authority

Alpacas spit to show power among other alpacas in the herd. 

Social animals are characterized by their need to express dominance. 

Alpacas are no exception. 

why do alpacas spit

These unique creatures compete with other alpacas to gain food access and show authority in the herd. 

For instance, when two alpacas compete for food, one alpaca may spit at the other to exhibit dominance and power to provoke dominance and affirm its power. 

A sign of stomach upset.

It is fascinating to know that alpacas have a unique digestive system entirely different from other animals, such as cows. 

Alpacas do not only have one stomach but three stomachs.

Yes, you heard me right (or read it right 🙂 )!

This particular attribute can, in some cases, create a buildup of gas which can cause them to spit. 

Alpacas can also spit when they have digestive trouble. 

They do it to free their stomach from the food they cannot digest. 

It is a self-protection dynamism to let go of food substances that could potentially hurt them.

So, as a result, they spit out to clear their stomach of toxic elements that may hurt them. 


Alpacas do also feel stressed, especially when an intruder is visiting their personal territory. 

They can also feel irritated when they are introduced to a brand-new environment that they are not used to.

So, as a way of expressing discomfort, they project spit. 

When around humans

Alpacas may spit when humans near them express signs of aggression or trigger movements that could make them feel scared, uncomfortable, or irritated. 

They can also spit when they are simply not used to humans. 

Especially alpacas that are in the wild and not used to encountering humans. 

So, these furry animals spit as a way of protecting themselves. 

Is alpaca spit harmful?

Alpacas spit is not considered harmful because it is neither poisonous nor toxic, yet it contains bacteria that may induce infection. 

So, if you got alpaca spit on your skin, it is highly recommended to wash the affected area immediately and remove the clothing you were wearing if they get in contact with it. 

So, it is advised not to get too near these fuzzy creatures if you visit them for the first time until you sense they are comfortable with you.

Also, avoiding contacting untamed wild alpacas is best unless you are with a professional alpacas raiser.

Do alpacas spit acid?

Alpacas do not spit acid. Alpacas’ spit consists of saliva, chewed food particles, and enzymes responsible for breaking the food. 

So, their spit is not acidic and not considered dangerous. 

What happens when an alpaca spits on you?

If an alpaca spits on you, it indicates that this animal is stressed and irritated. 

This behavior illustrates a defense mechanism reflecting this fluffy creature’s discomfort. 

While it can be pretty unpleasant, slimy, and unexpected, rest assured that the spit of this animal is not harmful.

What you need to do afterward is to slowly and calmly back off and wash your skin. 

How far do alpacas spit?

Alpacas can only project spit for a few feet, so it is rather a short distance. Yet, the length of an alpaca’s spit varies according to the animal’s overall health, its size, and the quantity of the produced saliva. 

Typically, the length of the alpaca’s spit is adjusted to reach other animals or humans they perceive as threatening. 

Does alpaca spit hurt?

Alpaca spit can be messy and unpleasing, yet it is not hurtful or dangerous. 

The saliva of this fuzzy pal can be quite sludgy and smelly, which can be undesirable for many people.

However, we should understand that this reaction is due to alpacas’ fear and stress, and saliva’s nature remains not harmful to humans. 


Alpacas spit to communicate and express critical reactions such as defense against intruders, assuring dominance in the herd, stress, and sometimes when having digestive issues. 

So, it may look messy and unpleasant; however, it is their specific way of showing a natural mechanism they are programmed to do. 

So, in this post, you have a clear idea of why alpacas spit, which will allow you to acknowledge their behavior and understand their remarkable character, especially when you’ll have the chance to be near them.

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